HiFi Einsnul Amethyst review (Germany)
15 May 2014
Posted in: Reviews & Awards
Christian Rechenbach reviewed the Amethyst in the latest HiFi Einsnull issue. Here is the conclusion of the article: Now that I have to leave witho... Continue reading ⟶
ST2-HiFi Review by Haute Fidélité (France)
27 October 2011
Posted in: Reviews & Awards
The French Magazine Haute Fidélité reviewed the ST2 HiFi in a special issue dedicated to acoustic correction. Here is an extract of the review, wr... Continue reading ⟶
ST2 HiFi review by Stereoplay (Germany)
22 February 2011
Posted in: Reviews & Awards
Rephael Vogt from Stereoplay reviews the ST2 HiFi in the latest edition of the magazine. Here is the conclusion of the article: In the editorial li... Continue reading ⟶