Trinnov Audio is pleased to announce the upcoming release of software version 4.3.2 for the Altitude Platform. This important release provides support for our new HDMI 2.1 board, new features, improvements and bug fixes.
The 4.3.2 update will be available during the second week of December, on all Altitude16 and Altitude32 units, regardles of age, and like all Altitude upgrade, at no cost.
This software ugprade brings:
- Support for the new HDMI 2.1 board
- Additional information displayed on-screen (OSD)
- Improved bass management delay calculation
- Faster computation time of the acoustic filters
- Optimizer Graphs improvements
- Various bug fixes

New HDMI 2.1 board co-developped with CYP
New Features
Support for the new HDMI 2.1 board (VMX-H8K-8201)
Along with our technological partner CYP, we completed developing and testing our new HDMI 2.1 board VMX-H8K-8201.
Here are some details about this board:
- 8x inputs / 2x outputs: all HDMI 2.1 compatible up to 40Gbps
- eARC and ARC on output 1
- A cable tester will be added but is not yet available in this version
- HDMI audio and video pass-through

Additional information on the OSD
In this version, we added more information to be displayed on screen, including:
- Listening Format
- Codec
- Upmixer
- Preset
- Source
- Video Resolution
- Video Color
The OSD settings can be found in the HDMI menu.

Bass Management Delay Alignment further improved
Version 4.3.2 provides further improvement in terms of subwoofer time alignment. This follows the already improved algorithms provided in software version 4.3.1 from April 2023.
To recompute your bass management delay with the new algorithm, you must edit at least one bass management setting (crossover frequency, slope, type of filter…) to recompute the bass management delays with the new algorithms.
From an existing preset without any manually dialed-in time alignment, there should not be any unexpected consequences., However, if you have manually tuned your system, including manual adjustment of output delays, follow our recommendations and make sure your previous settings are backed up.
Faster Computation Time
Our work to reduce the extremely CPU intensive computation time of WaveForming has trickled down to the Optimizer, resulting in a reduction of the computation time of about 40%.
Although not necessarily useful day-to-day, this improvement will be useful to professional calibrators and users who like to regularly fine-tune the Optimizer settings.
In addition to the computation time optimization, we brought 2 enhancements to the Optimizer Graph Display smoothing function (top line of the Optimizer advanced Settings):
- The Smoothing can now be set to 1/96 octave
- A “No Graph” option disables most Optimizer Graph generation and further reduces the computation time.

Before downloading and implementing version 4.3.2 firmware, Trinnov recommends that users download the release notes. Following the release notes will help ensure that users do not override and lose their existing settings or calibrations.
Here are the instructions on downloading the latest firmware onto an existing Trinnov Altitude16 or Altitude32.