In a recent review by the American magazine Sound & Vision, the Altitude16 gets awarded with a Top Pick Award.
In the best possible conclusion, the reviewer David Vaughn summarizes his review as follows:
If I haven't already made it clear, I absolutely loved Trinnov's Altitude16, which is by far the best-sounding surround sound processor I've had the privilege to use. While I was initially overwhelmed by the complexity of the software interface, in time I was able to navigate it with ease even though I've barely scratched the surface of the processor's capabilities. Fortunately, I'll have plenty of time to dig into the Altitude16 because I've made it a permanent fixture in my system. Sure, it's by far the most expensive piece of gear I own, but after putting two kids through college it's nice to finally spend some money on myself versus sending a check to the California University system. Needless to say, this receives my highest recommendation and I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
Read the full Sound & Vision Altitude16 Review.